I absolutely LOOOOVE a cup of tea. I'm quite serious about this.
I am not into your designer tea brands or feel the need to have it imported from India. I am a simple girl who loves a cup of Lipton.
I will use the cup of tea to procrastinate, gas bag, relax and soothe. It has so many benefits that I think I actually should drink more!
Today I should have begun to fold the mountain of washing piled up from only 2 missed days of not washing but you guessed it.....I had a cup of tea instead. I felt better immediately and the piled up washing didn't annoy me as much anymore.
Tea anyone?
Congratulations on starting your new blog! It's terribly addictive and oh so much fun!! Enjoy! ps. I love tea too... though I do go through stages of having more of an illicit affair with coffee. I love Lady Grey tea the best, in a little pot. I never dunk teabags, I'm such a snob!!! x