Monday, June 13

Seizing The Future

Some of the may know that our church burnt down in October last year. It was such a shock but as the months passed I realised what an awesome opportunity within the disaster, to create an exciting future for families on the coast.
Here are a few pictures.....

I am so excited to be part of a new chapter in the church as we build a building that houses a vision for God's purpose.

I guess I wanted to share that today as we begin to Seize the Future.!! If your interested be sure to check out the link

Have a great looong weekend.!!
Love Emma xx

Thursday, June 9

Blue Mountains Getaway

I've been a incy wincy bit slack posting on this ever exciting blog of mine!
Sorry to ALL my followers (16)...I've been a bit light on content!

Life has been good. My husband is back to work after a few days off hahahha(9mths!). We are adjusting to life post operation! We celebrated with a quick trip to the mountains on Saturday. It was sooo good to be out and about as a family. It was a long day but completely worth it. You know the days when you ask yourself...What was I thinking? Getting the children packed, snacks, nappies, favourite toys, jackets, water, camera..the list goes on. It is a big effort!!!

During the day you catch yourself watching the kids run, play and laugh and you remind yourself ..yep...all worth it!

Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to over the past week....

the sisters...

a bit chilly

during our walk

the view

the kids

 the river

dad and Ruby Belle

Mum and Ruby Belle

It was FREEEZING!!!!!

Take care until my next post....
Love Emma x

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