Saturday, January 28

Happy New Year!!
The year is 2017 and it has been a lifetime since my last blog post. I'm sure all the followers have moved on to bigger and better things, but I'm just happy to tap the keyboard and write a few thoughts down for myself.

I have come to realise how lovely it is to look over past entries and reminisce about the old days and how things 'used' to be. How life seemed simple. The fact is, I had pressures then too! As time passes you realise that seasons come and go. Nothing stays the same forever. That is why I love to write posts. It helps me to remember the good old days, like it was yesterday. I glance at the date and think to myself .."What!!! That was 2 years ago! It felt like yesterday!!"

My kids will probably hate me posting pictures of them as they get older. Actually....they already do!! They have found clever and naughty ways to pull faces, stick fingers up and close their eyes just so I can't "instagram" it! But I believe that the blog will one day be a fantastic record of our life. I have always tried to make my blog honest and a true reflection of our lives. I don't air dirty laundry here but rather record the fun times, laughter and milestones. They are pictures that won't offend or cause too much embarrassment in later years. Let's face it.... we all have 'THAT' photo which our parents took and we cringe every time it rears it's ugly head. The crimped hair, the mullet cut, teased fringes, hyper colour T-shirts, balloon I showing my age?

I am trying to get back into blogging and it is going to be an effort. For starters there is a little to catch up on!! I can't go into too much detail but I will do my best to fill you in on the 'missing' years!! It has been three years in fact!! WHAT?!! Where has the time gone?

My last post was the last day of school for my boys in 2013. I have just taken a picture of the last day of school in 2016 for all the kids!! My eldest finished his first year in high school, middle son finished year 3 and my little girl finished year 1. During the past three years we have moved house, started kindy, started high school, moved schools, bought a dog, lost weight, put on weight, changed jobs, moved suburbs, cooked, cleaned, tidied the house, mowed the lawn, cheered on the sideline for kids sports, became a dance mum, taught the kids to cook, made a job roster, went on holidays, went to work, loved my hubby lots, loved my kids lots, ranted and yelled at kids, ranted and yelled at husband, driven 100,000 kms in my mummy van (or there about) and even had time to occasionally shave my legs!!

As you can see, life is BUSY!! I'm really not telling you any thing new under the sun. You guys understand. I used to reach for my laptop as a lifeline sometimes. Is any one else out there experiencing the mummy juggle too? Surely I'm the only one awake at this hour as my family sleeps soundly!!

Well I'm here to tell you I made it out the other side!! The kids are bigger and I have not had to deal with a nappy for years!!! Hang in there!! The haze lifts and you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel!! No matter how hard it gets, try to enjoy the moment. You don't want to wish your life away! You don't want to wake up one day and say "Dam...I was so tired, flustered and trying to control everything that I missed the best years of my kids lives.

Breathe, Relax and have a cuppa. Focus on the positives and the blessings you have right before your eyes. Look at what is in front of you and not what your neighbour has or is doing. We all are given a purpose and journey. Uniquely planned for you, different from others.

Run in your own lane....Now if you excuse me.....I'm of to take my own advice, breathe, relax and make a cuppa!!!

Bless you babe!!

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