Where have you been? I hear you ask. Why haven't you written anything in such a while?
I bet your losing sleep from the lack of entertaining, witty and humorous stories that I write!
Well my friends..I have been in Swan Hill. Now this wasn't a well thought out trip, complete with itinerary, it was a kind of leave NOW type of trip.
On Friday last week my husband ran me at work to inform me that his Grand Father was not doing well and that we needed to go and see him before it was too late. So we packed up the car and the kids and left.
Oh did I mention it was a 14hour trip by car to Swan Hill? Or did I mention it was the town in the news that was to be flooded in a matter of days? oh well gotta do what you gotta do.

So off we went with every device know to man to make this road trip bearable. DVDs, CDs, ipods, DSs and of course FOOD!! The kids did an amazing job of sticking it out during the drive. By the time we got to Wagga Wagga we were completely exhausted! With the kids asleep we pulled up the a hotel and booked in for the night. This was just the excitement that the kids needed at 10pm at night! They explored the mini bar fridge, checked out the toilet and the shower, jumped on the beds, fought over the top bunk or the bottom ( weren't they asleep only a few minutes ago in the back of the car? ) Oh well what's a late night?

oh I'm Sooo NOT loving it!
My Hubby and kids thought it would be 'awesome' ( i think that is the word they used) to have a trifecta. Yes you guessed it. McDonalds three meals in a row!Breakfast , Lunch AND Dinner, Disgusting! My whole body knew that it was wrong, I felt like a neglectful Mum as I allowed them to eat such garbage so many times. But I must say...I felt good that the restaurant was hygienic and I knew what I was getting every time!!

Here is the Big Murray Cod. My kids were about as excited to see this as another hamburger from McDonalds!!
So we continued to drive the next day and arrived in Swan Hill after lunch. Hubby was able to spend some time with Grand Dad before he passed away three hours later. Thankyou to my beautiful kids for making this stressful time an amazing family fun time!!
I can't wait to write some more about the trip but until then..
Bye Bye
Love Emma
What special memories, they are remembered for there spontaneity! Glad to hear you could make it 'in time' to say good bye!