It has been a big year. My little boy Julian started kindergarten, while my eldest began year 4. Ruby still has a year to go at home.
I have loved watching them achieve new things and develop friendships. It has been such a pleasure and gift to be at home to be part of it all. I feel blessed that my life has worked out in such a way that I get a front row seat in their lives!
I have to write this and it is truly my heart but sometimes when you are in the trenches, day in day out, you don't always see it like that. it is only when I take the time to reflect, I see the beauty of it all.
These boys are great friends and it has been so awesome to watch Harry step up and be a 'big brother' to Jules in the school grounds. He picks him up from class, helps him find his way to the office and canteen and is that 'safety net' that only a big brother can provide. Jules has been shown the ropes so that he might be that person to Ruby when she begins school in 2015.
Proud Mummy moment... Dec 2013