My mum and dad celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in March 2022. It was so wonderful to be there with the family to celebrate together.
Dad, Mum, my mother-in-law Valerie and Father-in-law Eric March 2022

Julian (14), me (43ish!) Harry (18) and Ruby (13)
Mum and Dad sharing a milkshake at Terrigal Beach
Mum and Dad on the front porch of their new granny flat 2020
What an achievement!! As I fumble through my marriage, I truely only now understand the sacrifice and love that takes to last the distance.
Love is a choice and not just a feeling. You 'choose' to love the other person on that day when you want to strangle him!! Or the day you question..What am I doing with him? I snap back to the original choice I made and that was to stay together forever- in richer or poorer, sickness and in health, good times and the bad.
It may sound a little too much for some and I can only speak of my experiences and decisions but I do know that I have been blessed abundantly for sticking to my word. Jesus has watched over us, guided us and helped us through some of the toughest times.
The road doesn't get easier because you made a commitment. It just means you have a friend to navigate life with and you are not alone!
Over the past few years that have been missing in this blog we celebrated another 10 years of marriage!
We managed to take a quick getaway to Newcastle. It has become a little tradition for us. A few nights away without the travel. It is wonderful and a fantastic time to appreciate each other, give thanks for the fact we made another year and plan for the future.