Have I told you how happy I am that I began this adventure called "a blog"? I hesitated for a while but as I look back and read the post from years gone by, I'm one happy camper!!
I love that I have a record of all the little incidental memories that weren't just about the massive family holiday that takes place once a year..(if your lucky)! My bog reflects my life, my loves and my thoughts. I love that it is here for the kids to read when they want to. I would have loved to read this kind of stuff about my life!!!
I'm choosing to embrace the technology for my kids and their kids. Fancy reading about the life of your Grandma? Seeing how things have changed, people and places!
I get excited as I write again! Life is what we do everyday. It gets so busy that is is very easy to forget the time when we made bread glasses in the kitchen
or when the clowns made us laugh
The special hugs that last one second so you have to be quick!!!
The Easter Hat parade at school
Hugs with the Grandparents
stealing a kiss with daddy
It's about counting the blessing each and every day, big and small!
I actually find myself flicking back over my own posts!!! Fancy that!! I'm stalking myself!! lol
Her are a few favs....
I encourage you to start a blog if you have been thinking about it! Go for it!!
Just Do It!!!!
or the time when we thought the drain blowing wind was fasinating