Saturday, September 22

Kitchen renovation

I love a good before and after!!! This kitchen looks amazing after the renovations! It is amazing what new cupboards and some paint can do!! oh and all the little bits and pieces that are the most fun to  shop for!! I did notice they stayed with the original bench top which would have saved them a packet!!!

source: Design Sponge

Monday, September 17

Laughing all the Way to Happiness

I love the sound of that! Laughing is a great tool to develop great relationships! I had the chance to interview a fantastic speaker who teaches us all about laughing to better relationships.  

I really believe it is a fantastic way to stop anger in it's tracks. How can you stay angry when you are laughing? Virtuallly impossible!!! Mark Gungor shares his thoughts on marriage and making it work!! He has a fantastic radio program in the States that allows people to ring in and share their trials and intimate questions.

What I love is that he doesn't suger coat it! He tells it how it is!! We need more of that. Honesty with an intention to heal broken relationships! Love it!!!

So tune in if you are around on Friday 4pm Eastern Australian time to 94.9 Rhema FM and have a giggle! It may just help you see the brighter side of life!!!!

CLick on this link to get podcasts on your Iphone!!!!

Thursday, September 13

Fifty Shades of Grey

Ok so what is up with this book ladies?

I have a blog to express my opinions and chat to cyber world about my thoughts and feelings so today you get my thoughts and feelings about this new phenomenon.

It started over a conversation I had with my friend. Please understand that we have not (or ever intend to) read the book. We just couldn't understand why or how it has become socially acceptable to read such graphic sexual content in public places!! I'm a little gob smacked!

It would be no more acceptable for my husband to sit his 'bot bot' down on the train and pull out the latest porn mag and begin to read! So why is it ok for girls, ladies to sit on the train and read a book which contains such stuff? 

Now I know a porn mag is very graphic but from what I hear Fifty Shades of Grey is also very explicit and full of detail. Boys love pictures and are stimulated by visual pictures and a woman is turned on by emotions, thoughts, feeling and engaging in conversation. I see it as a porn mag for a woman!  

My friend also had a concern that I hadn't even thought about. This book is available in our family friendly Big W for all to see. No wrapped, sealed section, no restrictions and at a very reasonable price of $10!! She has young girls about to enter teenage years and this concerns her!It even takes pride place at the end of an isle!!! 

How 'low' can we go as a society? This kind of thing was full of shame and happened in the privacy of your own home - reading dirty mags, watching inappropriate things on TV. In a blink of an eye, something changed. I'm not sure what but it is now quite acceptable for books with highly sexual content to be read in public, no shame, even chat about it between yourselves. Please Lord may it not be on my child's reading list in year 12!!!! But if it was, I can't say I would be suprised!!!

Now I'm not about to start a picket line and chant that God will strike you down if you read the book. This is my opinion and I do feel strongly about it for myself and my family. I just want to protect the innocence of young girls and the beautiful relationship a husband and wife have. Filling your head with dreams and fantasys of a different kind can only lead to confusion, dissapointment, insecurities and dissatisfaction with your life. 

Ok I will stop but I feel that someone should challenge what seems to be the natural progression of our society.  Is anything wrong anymore? Or do we live by "If it feels good do it"?
What do I want my kids to believe? What kind of relationships do I want them to experience?

These are the questions that I think must be asked and real thought taken into account when we sit back and accept a new 'norm' in society. One thing I know for sure...Fifty Shades wont be in my family libary! Instead I fill my mind with all things 'good'!! Postive role models for my kids - truth, grace, mercy, forgiveness and Love. True love that lasts a lifetime!!!!

I will remove myself from the soap box now!!

Wednesday, September 12

New England Homes

This blog post is dedicated to my best friend in the world.!!! She left me for a season to live abroad and found herself in an amazing part of the world called New England. She came home to tell me all about the beautiful homes that I would love! After a quick "goggle" I was hooked!!

So to my friend, I hope these posts from New England give you warm and fuzzy feelings on the inside.... 

ok I must stop but until next time!!!!

Monday, September 10

It is that time!!!

Yes my friends the old blog stalker is coming out in me again!! I have actually missed it! So much so that with the old favourites I've added some more!!
So lets start with The House of Turquoise...

now to my new one..

Yep I feel so happy to browse these pictures. I think secretly (or not so secretly) I want to become an interior designer in my next life!!! hmmm something to dwell on today....

Fathers Day 2012

Happy late Fathers Day to my  wonderful husband! He is such a great Dad to all our children and involves himself in all areas of their lives!
We decided to go to the beach after church for lunch. We enjoyed the sun and taking pictures of each other! What would a trip to the beach be if we didn't end up wet?!

It was a little chilly but it didn't stop my clan!!!

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