Happy Easter Everyone!! Today is the day that our awesome Jesus shocked and rocked the world by rising from the dead!!! The story is truley amazing and if your not familiar with it have a read in your Bible (or google it!! lol). I feel so loved and blessed when I really get my head around what He has done for me!
Today was such a great day. We woke up to yummy Easter eggs and plenty of smiles! My darling husband redeemed himself from not getting me a chocolate egg by making me breakfast! It was pretty sweet!!!

We trotted off to church and returned home to a yummy lunch prepared by my one and only!! Salmon, potato stack and salad...totally gourmet! He really can cook. He doesn't want to do to much as he might find he has a new job around the house!

The day allowed me to fit in a nana nap

(this is not me....i couldn't post a photo of me sleeping for two reasons..1. hard to take a picture while you are sleeping and 2. i don't look like this lady. I have messy hair, mascara that has moved to 'under' my eyes instead of ontop and a drool patch on the pillow!!)
We finished off with a little get together with the neighbours for dinner.
This Easter had been so lovely getting together with the family and just enjoying the place in which we live.
I'll get a little personal and post some pictures of us hanging out.....
B1 and B2 at the beach
Their favourite past time is to collect amazing treasures from the rocks...
My instagram collage
Me in the shadows!!!
my husband can be very romantic..
Father like son....I just couldn't quite read his special message!! lol
I just love our local beach!!!
I have lots to share but it will be for another day!! Bye bye
Enjoy your public holiday!!!!
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