Friday, February 25

Toilet Training.."Is this how you do it Mum?"

Toilet training came early in my house today. Miss Belle decided to do it her way and became a little ...shall we say....Stuck!

 I feel like a bad mum because I actually left her there whilst I scrambled for the camera! Shocking I know.

Crazy kids make me laugh. Do you have a funny picture that just makes you smile EVERY time? Here is a snap shot of my laughs this week...

Jules discovered "crazy eyes". I think his brother helped to invent this one.

up to mischief always together!

my baby

Nothing like stealing a kiss with one child watching and the other taking a picture. Privacy? What's that!!!

Love Emma x

Thursday, February 24

Hubby in Hospital

Sorry for not writing for so long. I've had a few things on my plate. Today my husband went off to have surgery on his leg. All went well but it was a long day!

So whilst the kids are in bed, lunches are made and hubby in hospital, I return to what I love best...blogging!

I am roaming through the pages and finding some things that make we smile. Here are a few things...

knowing that Jesus has my world in His hands

knowing that whatever happens..the sun will rise and
a new day is around the corner

my children are a blessing in which I am forever grateful for

washing always needs to be is a cycle that never stops!

never under estimate the simple things in life...they are often the most fun!
(even though Ruby looks bored! he he he)

remember that someone , big or small, is always watching you.
Children love to mimick. Be careful, you may hear yourself one day.

I really should tell him that the wind could change...

laughter is the best medicine

a cup of tea is one of those simple pleasures that I love!

a girl can always dream of a new kitchen

or a holiday

My Mum is my best friend.
She is someone I want to be when I grow up!

My best frind Nel is amazing! What more can I say?

my family ROCK!!!

Have the most amazing weekend. I'll be looking after my fourth child. See you next week!
May God bless
Love Emma x

Saturday, February 19

Photos that I promised you..

so as you heard, we went on a trip to Swan Hill, Victoria. It was a Looong trip but here are some pictures of the family as the adventure unfolded...

Toilet break one...

Toilet break Two..

Toilet break three...

It was so nice we decided to have a snack break too!

back in the car...not impressed

nearly there. At least I'm excited lol hahahaha
(mental note..don't give your camera to the 7yr old whilst driving) 

the scenery was lovely at times so my passenger decided to take pictures. I think the conversation went like this...
"I'll try and take pictures of the interesting things I see  mum."
"ok sounds like a plan"
"could you drive a bit slower, my pictures are blurry?"

ahh we made it. Our motel. Gotta love the name....Swan Hill Resort! lol I kept looking for the day spa but they didn't seem to have one!

the pool and play areas ( my life savers during the week)

Kiddie pool!!

room you have an X Box?

It was a hard day for little people..

brother sister love

one asleep check...

two asleep check...

three asleep check..

It had been a big day.
Here are some more randoms...

we went to the cemetery to say goodbye to old Harry.

can you see my princess stamping on the dirt? Children don't seem to understand the protocol in cemeteries nor the idea of respecting the dead. Daddy grabbing her as fast as possible..but I had to smile.

my smile faded as she began to take flowers from the graves...Time to go Ruby. Into the car family before we are kicked out!

So that is Swan Hill a nut shell. I could bore you with more but these were some of the funny ones.
Love Emma xx

Friday, February 18

Lots of Love and Birthday Cake

To my beautiful friend Nel,

Jesus knew so long ago that we would need a sister. Our parents didn't give us one so He went to work and created, planned and placed in our paths... each other. Over the years we played together, learnt instruments together, laughed, cried, fought, sang together, played sport, went to school, had sleep overs, went to youth, camped, drove, stayed out late, studied together, shared in weddings, births and deaths. You are a sister that I love and think is amazing!

Today by best friend ,together with her daughters, created a beautiful birthday party for my daughter who turned two. I have been so busy with my crazy life, that parties haven't even been on the radar!

Thankyou for all that you do and loving my kids like your very own!

aww too cute!! oh i'm on the left!! lol

Gotta love a Dora Hat!!

Isn't she amazing? How did she get the time to make this? Ruby LOVED it!!

 Oh...and Jules wants a green one for his birthday!! lol



Friday, February 11

Decorating With White

It has been a busy day  ( and last couple of weeks) so I have missed my regular stalk of the blogs I love.
Here are some of my favourite pictures from a blogger called
 She has some lovely ideas. Love to share them with you. enjoy!

Gotta love a picture that doesn't look remotely like your house but somewhere you would love to be!!

Oh and I do love the Pioneer woman. She is an inspiration!! lol Well not really but I love her cooking!

Check out her blog to create yummy things for the family..

I think I will have to try it!!!

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