Tuesday, December 27

last post for 2011

well it has come to the end of 2011. I have been a little slack with the blogging lately due to the craziness of Christmas! I hope to change that in 2012.

I am excited to begin new chapters of our family life and stretch myself in areas that I never thought of. I want to achieve new things, master old things, love more freely, be more generous, develop more patience, remember to thank God for all that He has done..EveRyDaY!!

I can look back at all the things that didn't go right this year ( there are many) but I'm not that kind of person. I choose to remember all the things that went right! All the laughter, times shared with friends, family, love, swimming, the smell of the sea, chocolate, great work people, Bella champagne, walks on the beach and sand between your toes. The smell of my kids just out of a bath, the smiles, the faces covered with food and of course the smell of freshly cut grass!!

It is a choice to remember the good times and focus on the fun times. It can be hard especially if your year was a shocker! But by choosing to "look on the bright side" you immediately feel a sense of joy, peace, that all is well in the world.

I encourage you to have some time out to remeber to great things of 2011. Here are a few of my memories of the year...

 there is that sand I love so much!

 Ruby at the beach
 kids actually working together
ruby smiling
bedtime fun..what's up with young Harry?
Darling Harbour
Mothers Day 2011
would you believe all those kids are sitting on a
couch watching me have a shower?!!
who could forget ....SUDOCREAM!!
Bread Fun
yep...artificial flavours can do this to you...

a trip to Swan Hill
Harry posing for his profile
Ruby's first experience in a hotel room...
I think she could get used to this!

the day she stepped into the toilet....Why?

In hospital to remove the tonsils

Happy Year New my friends. Thankyou for dropping in and taking the time to read my rants!! Have a safe and happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 21

Today was a great day. My beautiful friend from work who happens to be Ruby's preschool teacher took Ruby for the day just to hang! Can you believe it? Wanting to play with kids on her day off?!! Well she did! I consider myself blessed! They had a great time and before I knew it the pictures were on facebook to proove it. Technology is amazing! So I thought I would begin my personal posts with this one!

While she was hanging out at the park, I took the boys to ride their bikes at the BMX track. It was great! So great that I've made plans to go tomorrow and hang out under a tree and read a book while the kids play! I will take the camera this time to post more pictures! The holidays begin.....I'll keep you posted!!!

Love Emma xx

Sunday, December 11

pinterest quote

 Ummm were they talking about me?!!!

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Ok gals.. I've been a bit slack and haven't done much photography around the place! I steal stuff from others and use others peoples amazing quotes. So I've set a challenge for myself. Tomorrow I will hang my camera around my neck and take as many photos that I can of my day.

I can't promise anything amazing or super interesting. It will consist of all the day to day activities which fill my day to create my life! Hmmm .

Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, December 10

thought for today...

love love LOVE this quote from the beautiful Audrey Hepburn!! I whole heartedly agree with every word.
Take some time today to read it!!!!

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Friday, December 9

the silly season

The silly season is definately upon us. The shops are crazy and our minds are continually being reminded to make lists, buy presents, organise parties, social events and relax some where in between!!
It can be super crazy!!!

I am guilty of whinging because I don't have enough money to buy the kind of presents that I would like to, go on the holiday that I reeeallly want to go on or buy that special dress for Christmas day. I found this quote today and it just shifted my perspective. Simple as that. Reading a quote helped me to realise that I could have all the money in the world but if I didn't have a Purpose or a Family to share it with, it would be meaningless.

I feel soooo rich that I could explode!! I have an awesome husband who is a perfect match for me, a friend in Jesus,  kids who light up my day EVERYDAY!, parents on both sides that love and care for me and my family, friends who I can't imaging doing life without and more than enough resource to bless others. What more could a chick want?

I feel that Christmas becomes about getting what you want and forgetting about what you have! I believe the most precious gifts cannot be bought in the store. They are usually what you have right in front of you!!! 

Love Emma xx 

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Wednesday, December 7

my birthday week

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Where have you been I hear you ask? Well I had a wonderful week long birthday and was given a present that will definately take me into the 21st century! A new iphone! Well I know that I'm preaching to the converted but I am amazed at what such a little phone can do!

I have had many lessons from a select few who have the time to educate a slightly backward mum! Thankyou Bethany, Nel and of course my 8year old son Harry!! lol Kids today!!!! ( i hear my mum's voice )

So it has put me behind in my regular posts because, i'll be honest....i'm just so distracted by this thing!!! But nothing will fix my addiction to stalking blogs and posting pretty pictures!!! I have actually missed it!!! So this post will be a little long as I play catch up..

House of Turquoise has had me dreaming again..

about all thing blue, green, aqua and Christmas.. I love it but it just doesn't look like Christmas to me. What do you think?

But the cake goes to Kelle at Enjoying the Small Things, who put on a "little chin dig" for her girls. Ummm she must not work, feed her family, wash clothes or do the food shooping. It would take me a year to organise this amazing get together...although i'm slightly inspired!!!













so there is something for you all to think about as you plan this holiday season. It looked like alot of fun!!! I can hear my phone tingle...not sure what it means so i better go check!!

Until next time!!!
Love Emma x

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