I had a miserable day on Sunday feeling YuK!!! So we stayed in and had some lovely family time. I love just hanging out with the family in my trackies and eating good food. My mum and dad came over together with my little bro and we sat and chatted about everything and nothing! It was just what the doctor ordered. As we sat my brother took some photos as my children entertained us. Gotta share some because I just love them!!!!

stealing a hug from Daddy

My little Ruby is growing up fast!!!

that is either a "back off brother" point or she is mimicking me!!!!

These two love a cuddle and a tickle

Having grandparents close to share these moments is priceless and I feel truely blessed to have people who love my kids as much as I do !!!

Favourite fruit

Love him soooo much!

The game was to throw teddy in the air and catch

Great action shots!

A smile for the camera...very unusual!!

Catch Jules!!
So that ended my weekend. I hope you had a lovely time too.
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