Monday, November 28
Friday, November 25
Love You Nel
This picture reminds me of my best friend in the world. Not many people can say that they met a friend at 8 years old, became good friends, then best friends, lived our lives together, shared memories, love on each others children like our own and live next door all these years later!!! We even go to dinner at each others house in our PJs! ha ha Truely blessed is what I like to call it!
Love you and your family so much my friend !

Wednesday, November 23
how to wear a scarf
I loved this demonstration on how to wear a scarf!! I was fasinated!! Some great ideas here girls!
Tuesday, November 22
Kids Party Ideas
I love looking at new ideas. I especially enjoy it when the pressure is not on to perform in the next week for a child's party. So today I stalked some ideas for a kids party. They look awesome but I probably won't ever use them!! I don't think I'm that committed! I'll stick to party pies and fairy bread...traditional is what I call it!!

Tiny Teddies and Biscuits!! How cute!!!

A nice decorating idea

I ate these as a kid!!!

I'll have to remember this for Miss Ruby's next birthday!
I LOVE this cake!! I know a person who can make this just as good!!!
Can't you Nel?

Um I love it, but just can't seem to find the perfect tree!

Harry's favourite!! He told me as he watched me blog over my shoulder!!

"Can I have this party Mum?" Harry 8 yrs
So there are a few of my faves. Enjoy!!
Love Emma
Wednesday, November 16

ummm I think that sign says it all as I sit and stalk my blogs!
I came across it and didn't get it at first ( i am a little blonde) then I realized it was talking about me!!!!
I was actually sitting EXACTLY like that!!! hahahhaha Including the left hand holding my head up!!
Just thought i'd share that today!!
Love Emma x
Sunday, November 13
Laundry Mania

It is a little thing of mine that if you have to spend alot of time in there, you may as well make it look pretty and work for you. I love my kitchen but my teeny tiny laundry has been neglected.
This blog called The Hand Made Home has some awesome ideas! I have shown you many of them here but be sure to check out her site if you are inspired to do a little laundry make over!
This blog called The Hand Made Home has some awesome ideas! I have shown you many of them here but be sure to check out her site if you are inspired to do a little laundry make over!

so girls ...get washing!!! hahahhaha
Saturday, November 12
A liitle about me...
Ok so I've relied heavily on 'other peoples blogs' (OPB) for my posts lately. That makes my stories a little less personal than others and probably a little boring! So tonight I am going to share with you a few points that you may not know about me. I have to be careful here..what do I want the world to know and what do I want to keep to myself? hmm

- I love pink. Pink EVERYTHING!!
- I love the smell of rain especially after a hot day.
- Smells are important to me, so I think losing that sense would be the worst!
- Top 5 smells are..... coconut body sprays, eucalyptus spray in a can (awesome invention! I spray anything thats not moving including kids on a couch), my husband's aftershave, newborn babies and fresh clean washing from the line (my attempt to embrace my inner domestic goddess!)
- I am so glad I started a blog. I feel relaxed after a rant or a stalk on my favourite blogs
- My kids drive me mad sometimes but I wouldn't have it any other way!
- I feel blessed to have a fantastic family but understand the value of commitment and hard work!
- I need a bigger home. No truely we do!!! It is moving from a 'want' to a 'NEED'!
- Soccer causes broken bones..just saying.
- I love to serve in my Church and love to be around people who love Jesus like I do.
- I have THE BEST NEIGHBOURS a gal could ask for. In fact I have ALWAYS had great neighbours. Making friends next door is a great way to visit people in your trackies (they have seen you at your worst!)
- Chocolate is my weakness and Coke comes in a close second!
- Kids make me laugh everyday. I love it!
- I don't have animals because I just keep my own kids alive! I don't ask for double trouble! I 'm not stupid.
- My husband plays cricket and it has taken many years to become 'happy' for him. I am at peace with it now.
- I love to cook but don't get enough time to make exceptional dishes
- My husband is great because he never complains about my food! Love it!!! Bless him!! I have served sandwiches and party pies before and he didn't even blink! I'm not kidding!!!
- I love that my husband love to spend time with the kids
- I'm secretly jealous that he calls Ruby 'gorgeous' & 'princess' more than me!!
- I've learnt that I should behave like a lady more often to be called a princess!! lol
So there ws my attempt to get a little more personal! Hope you have a fab weekend!!! I just found my dream laundry I will post the pictures later!!!
Love Emma x
Wednesday, November 9
House of Turquoise you have done it again! You have pleased my heart with some pretty pictures!
I'm on hold at the moment on the telephone and blogging! Talk about multi tasking! As I wait I carefully post my favourite pictures for today!!! They are random, no connection, just a few pictures that make we dream, smile, ooh, aahhh and hope. Here are a few...

Thank you House of Turquoise!

cute idea..at least she'll fit into it better than me!! lol

gotta love navy!

What a gorgeous photo!

Yep..I want to be there. No more said.

I wish I could do better make up....maybe I should invest in some good quality eye shadow?

This pleases my heart no end

really? are they kidding? I think I'll leave the indoor slide to Mc Donalds!!!
I could be here all day but I should go and do some chores!!!
Sunday, November 6
off to the beach
This is amazing picture that I want to have framed!! I think it is awesome...pretty much like me on a paddle board!!!! lol

my favourite magazine
I will spend hours reading over this in the next few days. I love sitting with a cuppa and reading this inspiring mag. I love how the prices are reasonable and it is jammed pack with things you can do your self!

I did my paddle boarding!!!! You would be proud...More pictures to follow!!
Love Emma xx
Thursday, November 3
scary home decor
I'm a busy mum, I love to look at pretty pictures and dream about a beautiful, spacious home.
Today I found some frightening pictures...truely!
With little ones expressing themselves with crayon or lipstick (whatever they can find really) and big boys who love all things dirty.....I was amazed that someone....anyone would create a home purely WHITE!!!!
Sit back and think of all the damage your kids could do to these homes!!!!!!
That canvas is screamimg for a three year olds creative flare!! "Look mum it is already hung for us to paint on!!"
Not sure where the kid is who owns the stick horse...maybe he drew on the white couch, never to be seen again!
I don't see sprinkles, cereal packets, biscuits, juices, toy story cups, dora bowls or a big bottle of coke on that shelf! Are you sure someone / anyone lives here?
"What are we eating for dinner Mum?"
"Candles" I reply
This kid looks like she is on detention not relaxing in her home! Really guys this is taking design to a new level!!!!
So after today's peek at some blogs, I will be back to my favourite ones which oooze style, personality, warmth and family love!!!!
What's your home like?
Love Emma xx
Wednesday, November 2
quilting & paddle boarding = one hot Mumma!!
Ok ladies the sewer within is about to rear it's ugly head!! I have just purchased these awesome squares of vintage fabric to make a quilt for Miss Ruby Belle. I'm calling out to my best friend who will definately help me (she isn't aware of that yet!) and probably laugh at me sewing!! She is the best at it and I usually sit back and wish I was as clever!! Well no more!!!
This week is full of firsts. I'm determined not to sit back and think "I wish I could do that" Well I can!!!! The years will pass and I will regret not doing the things I really wanted to try. I'm sure there will be a few mistakes and I won't be great at it but hey...at least I tried!

So on the menu is making a quilt (when it arrives from my favourite shopping site etsy!) and paddle boarding! Yep you heard it right. Paddle Boarding! Again my best friend booked me in and basically encouraged me to do it but here goes nothing!!!
I've googled it and come up with this....

hmmm not sure if that will be me and my friend....

ummm she looks lonely..

I think she forgot her board...not sure!!

hey if Jen can do it!!!

I think I'll leave the dog at home!

advance classes
maybe me after a couple of lessons
Wish me luck friends!!!!! Definately lots to blog about when I get back!! lol
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