Tuesday, February 28

Barbie Girl

This is a quick post to show you my creation! It wa a late night before the party but I managed to fit in one of my favourite activites....decorating cakes!! I really do enjoy the challenge and seeing the final product! I was impressed this year!

Ruby had a wonderful time and had just a simple party with a few friends from preschool. It was cute to see them play pass the parcel and musical statues. There was even a good old fashioned lolly hunt. Cutting of the cake ( not that I wanted to!) and a lolly bag to take home. A great success and one tired princess riding a sugar high.

Here are my favourite pictures of the day...

My princess..

her friend dressed as a robot...Well done Leanne and Mick!!!

and my princess cake!!!

take care
Love Emma x

Friday, February 24

I just had to post this picture as I loove it! I decided to make a barbie cake for her birthday. I can't chat too long because I have some creating to do!!! Wish me luck!! More pictures to follow!!!!

Tuesday, February 21

need a new do

Shallow I know but tonight I'm just checking out some new 'do's. I have a little time up my sleeve before the next chop but I am beginning to stalk blogs for pictures!! Here is what I've come up with so far....

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Monday, February 20


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I love that I they love each other so much! A brother's bond
is so special!!!

Sunday, February 19

my boys

I don't often post pictures of the boys. It's not that They aren't cute or that I don't think that they are awesome, it's just that sometimes I forget to !!!

Todays post is dedicated to the boys in my life! I love them to bits and thank the Lord above that I have lots of strong people in my life to move furniture!! Given my tendency to rearrange rooms frequently!!

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So true...


Saturday, February 18


We have been having an adventure with this little cherub this week.
I had booked him a dentist appointment for a Thursday morning. I was concerned about a little hole in the back molar.

I was sitting on the verandah the night before having one of those gratitude moments. I was thinking how blessed my children have been with no broken bones or serious accidents. I thought how painful it is to see your child in pain and not be able to stop it. I thought how terrible it is be to loose a baby or a close loved one. I was feeling so grateful that my babies were all happy, healthy and safe.

They were busy riding bikes, playing, greeting the neighbours as they came home from work. All was well in my little patch of the coast.

Until I hear the mighty scream!!!
Yep it snapped me out of my dream like state quick smart. My first reaction was to determine which child was it? Some are known to be drama kings and queens! It continued so I knew it must be a little more serious.

Down came Julian on the driveway...screaming. I couldn't see the blood and he was running so how bad could it be? eh?

My precious one had fell off his bike and fractured his front tooth....VERTICALLY!! OUCH!!!

It was very sore..I just thought..."Well at least we have a dentist appointment tomorrow! Organised mum eh? Pity it was just a coincidence!!

To cut a long story short, my boy had to visit a paediatric dentist and is now booked in for hospital to have the tooth removed!! I'm devo and don't think kids with missing teeth are cute!!!

So I took a picture with my baby to remember the good old days....when he had a tooth!

Wishing you all the best in hospital my sweetness!!!
Mummy loves you!!! xxx

Happy Birthday

My little baby girl turns three tomorrow! We are having a little party for her next week but the official day is Saturday! I can't believe how fast it has gone. She is truely a blessing and I love her soooo much. She has inspired me to become a blogger hence the Ruby Belle title, due to all her adventures. I feel it is a good idea to take a little time to have a trip down memory lane...

There has been the sudo cream incident...

 can't forget that one...

Then there was the orgasmatron...

 Playing with sticks in the yard

Toilet training...the hard way!!!

Happy car rides...

A photo for mum on Mothers Day...

A trip to the hospital with mum..

already has a boyfriend!!!

always keen for a photo

this is not sun burn just a very hot face in Swan Hill!!!

her last birthday

 the beach with mum

loves her outfits!!!

and her Daddy

Happy Birthday my precious Baby...

(I'm having a moment and I can't pick which ones to post so I will post them all!!!!)

I looove his face!!!


Love Mummy and Daddy xxxx

Thursday, February 16


This weekend we had the most fantastic day just being a family! We have been struggling to get ahead since Karls broken leg and we needed time out to remember what is important! We have an awesome little family which bring me joy everyday.

It is easy to loose perspective when you stop focusing on the bigger picture. I know that Gods in control, He keeps His promises, He holds us in the palm of His hands and He loves us. When you get a grip of this all your troubles seem to be ok!!!

Here is a few pictures of our Sunday at the lovely Entrance. ...

Thursday, February 9

Looking back

This is why I blog. I love to look back and read posts about the past. I remember how I felt and how it all works out for those who love & depend on God. This post makes me smile because even in the time of craziness, unknown and stress I was able to focus on what I do have. This makes trials all the easier to endure.... 


Thursday, February 24

Hubby in Hospital

Sorry for not writing for so long. I've had a few things on my plate. Today my husband went off to have surgery on his leg. All went well but it was a long day!

So whilst the kids are in bed, lunches are made and hubby in hospital, I return to what I love best...blogging!

I am roaming through the pages and finding some things that make we smile. Here are a few things...

knowing that Jesus has my world in His hands

knowing that whatever happens..the sun will rise and
a new day is around the corner

my children are a blessing in which I am forever grateful for

washing always needs to be done..it is a cycle that never stops!

never under estimate the simple things in life...they are often the most fun!
(even though Ruby looks bored! he he he)

remember that someone , big or small, is always watching you.
Children love to mimick. Be careful, you may hear yourself one day.

I really should tell him that the wind could change...

laughter is the best medicine

a cup of tea is one of those simple pleasures that I love!

a girl can always dream of a new kitchen

or a holiday

My Mum is my best friend.
She is someone I want to be when I grow up!

My best frind Nel is amazing! What more can I say?

my family ROCK!!!

Have the most amazing weekend. I'll be looking after my fourth child. See you next week!
May God bless
Love Emma x

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